vino-server效能不佳, 故以x11vnc替代之, 記得先停用vino-server:sudo apt-get install x11vnc vnc4server
x11vnc --quiet -ncache 10 -bg -reopen -forever \
-rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -display :0
ref: this.
[+/-] |
Replace vino-server with x11vnc on ubuntu 10.04 |
[+/-] |
Strace with tomcat |
一般的strace使用法如下即可:strace -p $PID
但是tomcat必須使用以下參數才可正常顯示:strace -f -etrace=\!futex,gettimeofday,clock_gettime -p $PID
ref: this.
[+/-] |
Jdownloader for ubuntu 10.04 |
Another file hosting download manager !sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader
sudo echo 'deb lucid main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jd-team-ppa-lucid.list # fix wrong url
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jdownloader
[+/-] |
Open anything from command line in ubuntu |
try this:gnome-open ./*
ref: this
[+/-] |
Disabling the Touchpad Temporarily While Typing |
打字時暫時停用 touchpad .syndaemon -i 1 -d
ref: this
[+/-] |
Network manager & reslov.conf |
防止 network manager 每次開機後修改 /etc/reslov.conf, 一個 dirty 的方法, 加上 immutable 的屬性:sudo chattr +i /etc/reslov.conf
如果要修改 reslov.conf, 先將 immutable 的屬性拿掉:sudo chattr -i /etc/reslov.conf